Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense: A Late Post

Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense

A look at my frog collectibles as I get them and my wacky world in the meantime.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A Late Post

I'm up and around - and that's about all. It was about 4 this morning when I finally drifted off to sleep for a couple of hours. I hate when you lay down and one nostril clogs up - I ended up rolling from side to side, one nostril clear, one clogged. Ugh! Things seemed to have dried up today and even my swollen eyes are feeling a bit better (as long as I don't look at the computer screen - lol). Hopefully just another day or two and I'll be back to normal.

Of course, as I'm beginning to feel a bit better I have to go out again. I wonder if I can get one of those protective bubbles. With Thanksgiving coming up I thought I'd pop out to IGA - they have the green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, stuffing all made up - all you have to do is microwave it. Hey, when you live alone, you cut corners wherever possible. I don't want to spend all day cooking for a 10 minute meal eaten in the la-z-boy while watching television.

I heard from AB early this morning and her new dog, Ida, passed away during the night. She was only a couple of years old. A very young age for a small dog. My heart goes out to her, I know what she's going through - her e-mail took me right back to the day four months ago when the Frog Wrangler passed away. Keep AB in your thoughts and prayers.


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