The Cellar Steps
The Frog Wrangler had a bad today, so I'm letting her rest and not bothering her with the camera in her face. I went down cellar to switch loads of laundry - something fun to do with a knee swollen like a grapefuit. The Frog Wrangler likes to lay at the top of the steps and keep watch for me to come back up since she can't manage steps anymore. Today she decided she was still a puppy and wanted to follow me down the steps - she fell, I fell, the laundry I was carrying went flying. We all ended up in a heap at the bottom of the steps. It was at that moment that I reminded myself that I really need to move the board that was leaning against the wall across from the steps - especially because of the couple of nails sticking out of it. Scrapes only - no puncture wounds. Once we all got disentangled - I set up a couple towels for the Wrangler to lay on while I did the wash - hey, I made it down there - wash was getting done.
I think the gods are against me having a basement that is water free. As I went into the section of the basement that holds the washer and dryer - there is a huge puddle of water on the floor. And as I'm looking at it, water hits me on the head. The sink in the kitchen was leaking somewhere.
The problem really came in getting back up the steps. I ended up carrying the Wrangler, the laundry and myself. About 20 minutes later we finally made it to the top of the steps.
The plumber just arrived to fix the kitchen sink - prompt and courteous! Hopefully it won't take long and I'll be back in business of being able to do my dishes.
Needless to say - both the Wrangler and I are taking a long nap this afternoon - well, after I take a huge pain killer! Here's hoping you have a good weekend. And who knows - if we're feeling better later, we may be back......
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