Friday Dog Blogging
The Frog Wrangler has had a pretty good week. She scared the mail lady this morning - I opened the door and the Wrangler tried to run then thought twice, instead standing just outside the door howling. I apologized to the mail lady but I think she was laughing more than scared.
Here she is re-enacting her scary face. Naw, I happened to snap this picture mid-yawn. She was so bored with me taking her pic. Her days consist of moving from one sleeping spot to another.
Her big treat today was going out right after the lawn guy finished. She loves to go out and christen the newly mowed lawn. My guy comes every two weeks and by the end of that second week, the lawn is pretty high and the Wrangler hates it when she scoots and her rear end hits grass.
Have a great weekend!
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