Frog of the Day
What a morning! I had the Frog Wrangler out and the neighbors grandson came by and we talked a bit. I told him that I lamented not being able to go to the weekend barbecues. So he thought it sounded great and next thing I know we're down at the Odd Fellows Lodge buying butterfly pork chops and pork burgers - yummy! We had quite a bit of rain here yesterday and it is still really muggy today. I had quite a few branches come down, some rather large. I was a bit worried about letting the Frog Wrangler out last night for her last outing before bed time. Two cougars have been sighted in the area. They took down a horse on a local farm. Last year about this time there was one cat sighted, this year two.
This frog is not part of my collection. This frog is from the wonderful artist Tim Cotterill, who likes to be called Frogman. This frog is called Scout. Tim makes these beautiful frog statues out of bronze. These works of art can cost from $400 up to $8,000. Any time you want to send me one, let me You can find out more about the artist and where to purchase his work by checking out his website at Cotterill's Frogs.
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