Friday Dog Blogging
The Frog Wrangler has had a really good week. Especially since her treat drawer is filled back to capacity! Here she is eating one of her favorite treats - a busy bone. They're a bit harder and good for her teeth. She had to carry this one around the house for about forty-five minutes before finally settling down to enjoy it. I didn't get my camera fast enough - I love how she holds her treats in her paws while she chews on them - maybe next time I'll be a bit better prepared. The Wrangler has even felt well enough this week to bring me one of her toys today wanting to play (well, for a minute or two anyway). She's a bit wobbly with her back legs but still able to get around. Her main complaint is that she can't make it onto the bed any more - AB is coming to the rescue with some doggy stairs that should make it easier for her to get up. I know it will make it easier for me having to lift her up onto the bed every night - to which she promptly jumps off and goes check her food dish and then comes running back wanting to get lifted back up onto the bed again. Lately she's had to contend with her blanket on the floor - otherwise I'd be up all night! The Frog Wrangler hopes you all have a good week and will see you next Friday.
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