Frog of the Day
Wasn't it nice having a guest frog yesterday. If anyone wants to add their frog to the site, let me know. You can send me a picture, and let me know if it's ok to use your first name and location. Yesterday's frog picture, sent to me by Adena from Jerusalem wanted to let you know that she made the Frog King that adorns her office.
I am feeling much better today. I was even up and out early this morning to Walmart to get a new water filter. The local water here smells and tastes like the river from which it comes. Yikes! So it was bottled water this weekend. And how about Aquifina coming forward and saying that they were bottling tap water. CNN said this morning that about 20 percent of the bottled water is just that - tap water.
This frog item is from Fun World Div. and is a frog pin. The frog is holding two hearts and he is the king with quite a crown. The back has a copyright date of 1984.
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