Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense: Frog of the Day

Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense

A look at my frog collectibles as I get them and my wacky world in the meantime.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Frog of the Day

Avon - Sill Soap Dabber
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino
The Frog Wrangler was up about 5 this morning and so we made the morning trek out. The birds were quite active this morning and at least four cardinals were calling back and forth. The cooing of the mourning doves were also quite loud. The last day lily blossom was already open and with that the six weeks of blooms that I enjoyed will be over. It was nice and cool this morning - in the mid-60's and so we spent a little extra time enjoying the day before coming in and getting started on the daily chores. I'm in the midst of a cleaning from one end to the other. I made the mistake of watching BBC the other night with those two ladies who go into really dirty houses and clean. It made me physically ill and even though my place is generally neat and clean, I felt that I should redouble my efforts to make sure every nook is scrubbed! I tell you, watch that show and see if you don't get the same motivation. I think I see a dust froggy - gotta go......

This frog item is from Avon and is called a Silly Sunshine Soap Dabber, Silly Red. The bottle is adorned with a frog as you can see. This item dates to 1993.


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