Frog of the Day
I watched a special on television last night about the Bermuda Triangle - supposed new information. Two hours and what could they say - nothing new. I went out this morning to retrieve my trash can only to find it still full! All up and down the street full trash cans. Apparently when the city decided to change trash days for two weeks, they forgot to tell the guys who actually pick up the trash and can I say there were a couple pissed off trash guys this morning. The Frog Wrangler is getting better every day. Today is the last day of her medication so she'll be closely watched to be sure she doesn't have a relapse.
This frog collectible is a pewter frog playing a guitar. It was made in Italy and has the maker's touchmark on the back. I did some searching for the identification of the touchmark but so far have come up empty. It is two hands holding and "S." If you are familiar with this mark, please let me know. I do not have a date for this item.
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