Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense: Frog of the Day

Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense

A look at my frog collectibles as I get them and my wacky world in the meantime.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Frog of the Day

I was thrilled this morning to find The Frog Wrangler's food bowl empty. She ate on her own without being enticed with canned food or people food for the first time in 5 days. She still has a very unsteady gate, but she found her way into her chair this morning and didn't have to be lifted into it. It's a good thing because my back is almost totally gone and she weighs about 58 pounds. I went out yesterday to get a few things that I forgot from the day before at the grocery store - doesn't it make you mad when you get home from the grocery store and start cursing yourself because of that one item you had to have and you forgot. Well I'll tell you this - when it's toilet paper you forgot, you're making a trip back! Pronto! I picked up some additional baking supplies too. When did nuts become so expensive. I have some recipes that call for walnuts, but at over five dollars for a small bag I'll do without. Well, another day of filling in for the Wrangler, I decided to round up today's frog trio because it makes me think what all kids are doing between now and Christmas - no evil.

This frog collectible is from United Designs and is part of their Stone Critters line. This piece is called Frogs......No Evil. Frogs have been a popular subject for the no evils theme, probably second only to monkeys. It is style number SC-424. Stone Critters, the original - not the babies line, have a copyright carved into the back along with the initials UDC as well as the year made. This piece has the date of '97.


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