Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense: Frog of the Day

Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense

A look at my frog collectibles as I get them and my wacky world in the meantime.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Frog of the Day

Fun World - Frog Plush
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Finally made it out yesterday to do some grocery shopping. I also picked up some canned dog food for The Wrangler as enticement to eat something. She couldn't eat it fast enough! I snuck her pills in and they went right down too. This morning she tried the tight lipped approach to her medications, but she was no match for a piece of liverwurst. She finally slept quite a bit of last night and thank goodness I got a solid 4-5 hours without interruption. Another result from grocery shopping - I had all the stuff to make pancakes and bacon for breakfast. Hmmmm! Hopefully today will be a quiet day for the Wrangler and me - we both need it.

This frog item is a little plush that has a ornament hanger in the back. It is from Fun World and has a red bow tie with hearts and a hang tag card. I do not have a date for this item.


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