Frog of the Day
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! Oops, caught singing again. If you've watched the news today, you know what the weather is like here - thankfully Frog Central has not lost power. Here in Tidy Town they spend the summer months trimming trees out of the power lines at a maddening pace - but it pays off when the wind howls like it is doing today. It rained all day yesterday (dry basement last I looked, thank you) and then flash froze overnight with the temperature dropping from a high of 72 to this mornings 28. Brrrrr! Let's do some more singing to warm up - and here to help is today's frog.......
This frog item is a singing frog. Marked made in China, it is akin to the singing bass fish. The frog is motion activated or you can press its foot. The mouth moves and they eyes move as it sings "I don't like spiders or snakes..." An interesting item. I do not have a date for this item and there is no identification on the box or frog as to importer.
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