Frog of the Day
Ah, the weekend. The first day of July. The Frog Wrangler began the month by deciding to jump up on the bed and wake me up this morning. Unfortunately she missed - twice. This after she tried to jump up into the house yesterday after being out to do her business - and missed. She's got to learn to slow down and take the steps! As for me, I ran errands yesterday and the grocery store had tofu! I was so happy I bought 3 packages. This morning I woke up hardly being able to move, so I think I'm going to just take it a little bit easy today.
This frog item is ceramic pottery made in China and is called Frog on Ball. A sticker on the bottom states HITC, Lynwood, Illinois - which I believe is the import company. I do not have a date for this item, but it was purchased within the last 6 years.
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