Frog of the Day
It's pledge week at NPR so don't forget to call and make that pledge to help support independent radio and television. I have to hurry this morning because I have blueberry muffins in the oven! The Frog Wrangler is sound asleep in her customary place - having found a rabbit in her yard this morning gave her the momentary vim and vigor of puppyhood. Now she's resting up from that bought and probably will be all day!
Yes, this is actually a razor. It is from C.A. Daniels & Co. and is called Prince Shavingwell. It comes in it's own little velour pouch with extra blades and a two-page story entitled The Tale Toad which is way too long to reproduce here and so full of schmaltz it's just too hard to read and I wouldn't put my loyal readers through it! This froggie razor dates to 1993.
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