Looking for a Green Russ Fruggy
Quite often I receive requests of help in locating specific frog items. I do my best to help out and to search all my contacts. But as they say, many hands make light work, so I thought as I receive requests I'd throw them out and see if between all of us we could find that special frog that people which people are trying to find. Who knows, maybe you will have a duplicate - or triplicate - in your own collection and wouldn't mind selling one.
So today I'm hoping we can help out a froggy friend who is looking for a green Russ Fruggy. Unfortunately a doggy got hold of her froggy and decided it was a great chew toy (let's all bow our heads for a moment of silence over the carnage).
If you find one or have one - please send me an e-mail and I'll pass along the information.
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